Christian Communicators of the SouthEast (CCofSE) was founded upon a vision to provide an environment in which homeschooling parents can aid their students’ growth in communication and argumentation skills in a way that brings honor to the name of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to develop effective communicators of “the hope that is within them” (I Peter 3:15), and to equip Kingdom warriors to “contend for the the faith” (Jude 1:3) that must be must be carried to the next generation and beyond.
The foundation of CCofSE is faith in Jesus Christ, and the knowledge that He is God’s one and only Son who was sent to this world to be the sacrificial lamb offered as payment for our sins.
Built upon that foundation are three pillars that stand for the values by which everything we in CCofSE is evaluated. By design we are Christ Centered, Academically Focused, and Family Oriented.
Christ Centered
Our priority is to glorify our Lard and Savior Jesus Christ in everything we say and do. Therefore, our attitudes should always be in keeping with a spirit that honors Him. Minds and hearts trained to give care in paying attention to others encourage us to be respectful hearers who answer with a gracious reply. “My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” (James 1:19)
Academically Focused
Our focus is academic excellence. Speech and Debate are academic pursuits, tools for developing a well-trained mind. Investing time, organization, and study in a particular subject matter best prepares us to be informed and persuasive speakers, now and in the future. “May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands. (Psalm 90:17)
Family Oriented
Our intent is to support parents as they guide and direct their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4) We believe each child is a unique individual, gifted with specific talents and challenges, and parents are accountable before Christ to train and seek His best for them, always looking first to how they themselves are living before Him. “May the LORD our God be with us as He was with our fathers; may He never leave us nor forsake us. 58 May He turn our hearts to him, to walk in all His ways and to keep the commands, decrees and regulations He gave our fathers.” (1 Kings 8:57-58) Therefore, we expect parents to make every effort to have at least one parent present at all CCofSE events in which their child competes.
With our foundation in Jesus Christ and these three pillars in place, we can now build a speech and debate environment.
The mission of Christian Communicators of the SouthEast (CCofSE) is to provide an environment of support to homeschooling families as they educate their children to be strong and godly communicators. “A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise council.” {Proverbs 1:15) Competitive speech and debate serves as a means to an end.
Through the hard work spent in preparation and presentation, our children learn the value of doing all things as unto the Lord. Their interactions with others provide a living frame work for being attentive and humble in conversation and relationship.
Tournaments are conducted with a goal of providing a competitive environment in which the skills, methods and techniques learned at home and in speech and debate clubs can be tested and proven in a God-honoring way.
Competition is a biblical concept. We are commanded to “contend for the faith” (Jude 1:3) and we “run with patience the race that is set before us.” We also read that “…one receives the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.” (I Corinthians 9:24) The key to competition is not whether we compete, but how we compete. “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14)
The Christian life is not a spring but a marathon. Competing to win one round, one tournament, or one speech and debate season is NOT the objective. The goal is the “high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Therefore we must compete (win or lose) in a way that honors the name of Jesus Christ.