2024-25 Speech Events
Junior: ages 5-8
Junior Interpretation
- Junior Interprative Description
- Junior Interpretation Ballot
- Junior Interpretation Script Submission
- Please see the Junior Interprative Description Link for directions/requirements on Junior Interp script submission
Junior Varsity: ages 9-11
Limited Preparation Speech Events:
Bible Story
Platform Speech Events:
Biographical Informative
- JV Biographical Informative Rules
- JV Platform Ballot (Biographical, Persuasive)
- JV Script Submission
Interpretive Speech Events:
Great Speeches
JV Duo
Varsity Events: ages 12-18
CCofSE offers all Stoa Varsity Speech Events.
Tournament Directors may choose which events they would like to offer at their respective tournaments.
Please remember that in order to qualify for NITOC, all tournaments must be posted on the Stoa Tournament Calendar at least six weeks before the tournament date.
Click HERE to navigate to Stoa’s Speech Documents and Resources.
Additional Resources: